The ethic of socialism
Pedro Rodríguez Rojas
Socialism is not decreed; it is a long transformation process of the material foundations to turn an economy of exploitation into economic relations of cooperation and solidarity, and to transform alienated men and women and pave the way for the birth of the new man and woman.
The ethic of socialism is its philosophy. It is what gives socialism a direction; it is the principles leading the formation of a new society, a new man and woman. As a philosophy, it needs a solid argumentative base produced by a permanent reflexive debate.
Similar to the socialist model to be built, this ethic, while it has clear principles, it is not a predetermined model: It is and will be under permanent construction. It is love what is in the center of the socialist morals and what fuels political actions.
Without this fuel, the project can become a mechanism of distribution, but it can not achieve the constitution of a true socialist society. The most important issue is to establish the diametrical differences that make it different from the capitalist ethic; that is to say, what are the differences different between the capitalist equality, freedom and justice, and the socialist solidarity, equality, freedom and justice.
Otherwise, it is most likely that the values of capitalism will continue accompanying us, and be legitimated by a pseudo socialist speech. The ethical values of capitalism are actually expressions of an anti-ethic; its real values are selfishness, exploitation and the control over others. The socialist ethic can not be metaphysics, a decalogue of hollow principles without any material and real foundation.
Likewise, the ethic of socialism must epistemologically break the ideological remains inevitably inherited from capitalism. This must be one of the first tasks of the socialist education: to dismantle the capitalist ideology in still infiltrated in the concepts, categories and theories of the socialist discourse.
The socialist ethic also has to move away from any populist practice becoming accomplice of the vices and capitalist consumption. For the debate on the participation and values of socialism not to be metaphoric and go beyond the metaphysic vision, it must have a defined subject: It is the people, the excluded ones, those who have been historically marginalized from the participation of the material and immaterial goods.
Faced with a planet expressing its limits, faced with the crisis of the civilizing model that has violated the most elemental rights of men and women, short-term measures are no longer possible.
It is necessary and urgent to face the capitalist societal model and make all our efforts to give birth to a new world making possible the human life and guaranteeing the existence of future generations.
(originated in spanish : )
2008年8月25日 星期一
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